A source that pulses the heart beats of the people.
Museum M. is the beginning of a new icon for Flevoland and Almere, making immersive art and landscape art accessible to all. Rooted in Flevoland, but with an international horizon.
In January 2021 Meike was challenged by M. to develop a creatual concept to express the 'soul' of this artificial land and to connect the people of Flevoland with and through art.
Film: Kadir Van Lohuizen
After exploring this artificial land, its citizens, the concrete cities and the fascinating landscape art, Meike decides the 'soul' of Flevoland is hidden in the ancient water underneath the new land and in the hearts of the people that moved and settled there. In this creatual concept she merged these two elements by inventing a water-source (spring) that is pulsing the energy of the people.
The N.F.P experience
The Nieuw Flevo Peil (new flevo level) shows the positive energy of the people of Flevoland. This artwork in the Weerwater 'lake' of Almere, moves on living heart-beats.
During the N.F.P. exhibition April-May 2022, a team of 'Beat Collectors' walked the streets of Almere and other towns of Flevoland to open conversations with random people. To ask about their passion and motivation; "What makes your 'heart' beat faster? " was the main question. After measuring their 'pulse-beats' while expressing their motivation, the information would be sent directly water source.
The N.F.P. is energised and moved by the heartbeats of these motivated individuals (to be followed on www.nieuwflevopeil.nl). The rhythm of this dancing spring changes every 2/3 min. At unexpected moments it will shoot (like a geyser) the collected energy of all participants to great heights. The New Flevo Peil (level) is measured and communicated on a large screen on the shore.
Together, the Flevolanders aim to rise above 'sea level' (N.A.P. Nieuw Amsterdams Peil) once again.
_Connects the people of Flevoland through art
_Brings the museum and its public closer together
_Allows people to be proud of their country and city
_Makes people aware of the land and sea level
_Encourages people to be motivated
_Measures their happiness, their energy and their motivation.
Meike worked close together with Studio Parkers (Multimedia design), Rots Maatwerk (Installation technique and production) and the project management team of M. The N.F.P project was realised under Handshape Project GmbH
The NFP installation was active during the months of April-May 2022 parallel to the launch of M. Museum and the start of the Floriade (Garden expo in Almere)
Visit the (Dutch) website:
Illustrations by Sofiya Voznaya
70 jaar geleden -
Waar eeuwenlang water stroomde.
wonnen geniale ingenieurs land.
Diep land naast hoogwater gescheiden door een groene dijk.
Land om voedsel te verbouwen en vee te laten grazen.
Land voor windmolens om energie op te wekken.
Land voor nieuwe steden die groeiden en groeiden.
Waar ligt de ziel van dit nieuwe land verborgen?
Hoe luidt het oerritme van Flevoland?
…. In het geruisloos drooggevallen water onder het gewonnen land ?
Of in de bonzende harten van de mensen die er heen trokken,
er hun leven opbouwde en de 4 elementen ten dans vroegen.
Meike Ziegler
70 years ago -
Where for centuries water flowed.
ingenious engineers won land.
Deep land next to high water separated by a green dike.
Land to grow food and graze cattle.
Land for windmills to generate energy.
Land for new cities that grew and grew.
Where is the soul of this new land hidden?
And what does the rhythm sound like?
.... In the silently dried up water under the reclaimed land?
Or in the pounding hearts of the people who moved there,
and build their lives to play and dance with the 4 elements.
Meike often worked with real time 'heart-beats'. Other Creatual concepts: Art with Heart (Saga Fest Iceland 2015), Moments that Matter (for PWC 2015), Heart for Amsterdam (Amsterdam Museum 2016). 'We make the city beat'. A heart-beat fountain designed and proposed for 'We make the City Festival, Amsterdam 2018'. N.F.P is a variation on this concept customised for Flevoland.